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Hoch über dem Wolfgangsee erhebt sich der markante Schafberg mit seiner 300 Meter hohen, steil abfallenden Nordwand. Die SchafbergBahn führt seit knapp 130 Jahren bis auf 1.732 Meter Seehöhe und eröffnet Ausflüglern, Naturliebhabern und Wanderern ein überwältigendes 360-Grad-Panorama.


All about MönchsbergAufzug lift

In 30 seconds, the MönchsbergAufzug lift carries passengers from the Salzburg historic district up to one of the most spectacular photo points on the Mönchsberg. Here, amid this extensive green oasis in the heart of the city, culture, nature and cuisine enter into a unique and, in many regards, quite surprising symbiosis.

  • Total span: 60 meters
  • Passenger capacity: 17 people per cabin (3 cabins)
  • Founded in: 1890
  • Duration of ride: 30 seconds

A 60 m tall lift inside the rock of the Mönchsberg, performing its duty now for over 130 years: While it seems quite spectacular even today, at the end of the 19th century this was a true technological wonder and a huge tourism attraction in its own right. In 1890 when it was opened, the MönchsbergAufzug lift – then still on the outside of the mountain – was actually the highest elevator in Europe. The only purpose this lift has ever served has been to provide locals and guests with the quickest, most comfortable means possible to enjoy the magically beautiful panorama of the city: That said, the MönchsbergAufzug lift has always been about pure enjoyment, which hasn’t changed in the slightest. However, the MönchsbergAufzug – which has undergone multiple modernizations – now runs up the inside of the rock, carrying year-round passengers up and down the mountain at a speed of over 7 km/h.


Gstättengasse 13, 5020 Salzburg


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Audioguide MönchsbergAufzug lift

Did you know that the MönchsbergAufzug Lift has been around since 1890? At that time, a panorama elevator was located on the outside of the mountain and brought visitors comfortably up to the Mönchsberg. Nowadays, the ride up to the natural jewel of the city of Salzburg takes only a few seconds. Learn more about the MönchsbergAufzug Lift here. Join Emilia and her grandfather on their 5 Treasures journey and find out why her grandfather wished that the ride on the Mönchsberg elevator took a little longer in 1959. 
