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Hoch über dem Wolfgangsee erhebt sich der markante Schafberg mit seiner 300 Meter hohen, steil abfallenden Nordwand. Die SchafbergBahn führt seit knapp 130 Jahren bis auf 1.732 Meter Seehöhe und eröffnet Ausflüglern, Naturliebhabern und Wanderern ein überwältigendes 360-Grad-Panorama.


All about WasserSpiegel museum

Drinking water is a precious treasure and valuable natural resource. The WasserSpiegel museum on the Mönchsberg invites visitors and families with an interest in technology to enjoy a multimedia, interactive discovery tour on the trail of this wet element.

  • Museum was established: 1998
  • The original tank was built: 1929/1930
  • Lenght of network of pipes: 870 km
  • Capacity of water reservoir: 25 million liters

The location for this exhibition wasn’t chosen by chance. In fact, there are very concrete reasons: It was here on the Mönchsberg, close to the historic Richterhöhe, that an imposing mountain reservoir for drinking water was constructed in 1950. It can hold up to 25 million liters of drinking water, is 8.5 m deep and is today part of the Water Museum. For decades, drinking water from springs and natural sources located in Salzburg’s surrounding communities has been pumped to this mighty holding tank, before continuing on its journey into the city itself: the broad network of pipes extends 870 km – roughly the same distance as from Salzburg to Copenhagen.


Mönchsberg 16b, 5020 Salzburg

Sources of water supply

St. Leonhard

Groundwater works Glanegg

Brunnen Taugl

Audioguide WasserSpiegel Museum

The natural jewel of the city of Salzburg, the Mönchsberg, holds many secrets. Only a few people know that the drinking water supply of the city of Salzburg has been coming from the elevated tank on the Mönchsberg since 1929. Would you like to learn more about Salzburg's water supply? Emilia and her grandfather give you an insight into the history and technology of the water at the WasserSpiegel museum on their 5 treasures journey. Listen in now!  
